Since March 10, 2003 - Version 2

MSN Messenger Protocol

Resources - Projects

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Below is a list of projects related to the MSN Messenger protocol. This includes clients, server, libraries, addons, utilities, or anything else that is relavent.

Submitting Your Project

If you have created a project, please submit it to us. Please fill out the form below and click the submit button. Submissions are not added automatically - we will look over them manually to make sure that they are appropriate.

If you already have an existing entry and would like us to remove it or change it in any way, please enter the title as it is written on this page, describe all of your changes in the description field, and check the box saying "this is an update".

Projects by Category


Addons / Modifications For Official Client


Libraries / Modules


Copyright ©2002-2003 to Mike Mintz.